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Foreigner joining Swedish military.

Guest JS

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Applied to become a member but, waiting on admin approval. (It is midsummer today so I doubt that will happen.) In the meantime, I am writing here to recieve an answer to my question.


I was in the U.S military for a short period of time before recieving an injury to my hip which was flawlessly repaired, and then I was honorably discharged. My sambo is a Swedish citizen, and I am currently working on my papers to get residence to live in Sweden. I am planning to eventually become a citizen. Furthermore, since getting out of the military in the U.S, I have been cleared as fully healed and fit for combat once more. As far as age and fitness goes, I am 167 cm tall, and 22 years of age and in great shape.


Currently, I am working on my Swedish so I can pass any language tests, and continuing my previous P.T standards from the service while I wait.


So here is the big question - will I be able to enlist upon earning my citizenship? I know it isn't guaranteed as there are tests, trials, and interviews but, as far as the principle goes, is it possible? The reason I am asking this question is because I want to serve once more but, I also wish to live in my Sambo's native country. Furthermore, the reason I am asking here is because another member on this forum said they did the very same thing.


Any advice or answers would be really appreciated.


Warmest regards,


Will I be able to enlist upon earning my citizenship? I know it isn't guaranteed as there are tests, trials, and interviews but, as far as the principal goes, is it possible?

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I am not sure if im eligible to answer your question but i will try my best. I qoute from Rekryteringsmyndigheten


Dubbelt medborgarskap

Är du medborgare i två eller flera länder innebär det att du har rättigheter och skyldigheter i de länderna.

Om du är medborgare i ett annat land förutom Sverige, måste du kontakta myndigheterna i ditt andra hemland eller landets ambassad i Sverige för att få reda på vad som gäller där. "

This im not sure if you can read and understand Swedish yet so i will just basicly forward it for you. It says you need to contact the authority in America or the Swedish Ambassy because you have rights and obligations in America which might interfer with joining the millitary in Sweden.

I would probably recommend you to contact Rekryteringsmyndigheten directly because they can probably answer all your question better than anyone on this forum for you. You find their contact information on this website http://www.rekryteringsmyndigheten.se/installningar/press-och-kontakt/kontakta-oss/.

Anyone who can answer his question better than me is more than welcome to correct me! :D Best of luck.





Offtopic: Råkade posta som guest innan så lägger ut det istället på mitt konto :)!

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Can't answer how the regular army works regarding double citizenship (doubt it will be any problems with a citizenship from an allied nation though) but the homeguard will gladly accept you :)



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