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Arktis och norra polarregionen

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Här hade jag tänkt att man kan skriva om händelser och nyheter om Arktis och norra polarregionen. Definition på området från Wikipedia: Under de senaste årtiondena, och särskilt under 1990-talet, har definitionen av Arktis vidgats och givits en mer politisk innebörd, delvis oberoende av klimat och växtlighet. Enligt denna definition omfattar Arktis det Norra ishavet, som till stora delar är täckt av packis och drivis, hela Island, Grönland och Alaska, samt de norra delarna av Kanada, Norge, Sverige, Finland och Ryssland. 
Arktis, Wikipedia-artikel.

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Grönlands Premiärminster Mute Egede siktar på självständighet. Detta efter Donald Trumps önskan att köpa Grönland har upprepats en andra gång.

Greenland's leader steps up push for independence from Denmark

COPENHAGEN, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Greenland's Prime Minister Mute Egede emphasised his desire to pursue independence from Denmark, its former colonial ruler, during his New Year speech, marking a significant change in the rhetoric surrounding the Arctic island's future.

Egede's speech, which comes on the heels of comments by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump expressing his wish for "ownership and control" of Greenland, also expressed a desire to strengthen Greenland's cooperation with other countries.

He added that it was up to the people of Greenland to decide on independence but did not say when a vote could be held.

While a majority of Greenland's 57,000 inhabitants support independence, there is division over the timing and potential impact on living standards.

Greenland's government has twice rejected offers by Trump to purchase the island, in 2019 and again last year, with Egede asserting that "Greenland is ours. We are not for sale and will never be for sale."

Trump vill kontrollera Grönland: ”Absolut nödvändighet”

Edited by vikingman
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