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Ex US Navy fartyg till salu


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Ett fartyg från National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) som heter Hi’ialakai är till salu. Det tjänstgjorde tidigare i US Nany som USNS Vindicator. Dess uppgift var då att följa sovjetiiska ubåtar med sonar. Fartyget ingick i Stalwart-klassen som det byggdes 18 st av. Reservationspriset på USD 40500 är inte uppnåt.

Hi’ialakai started life as USNS Vindicator (T-AGOS-3), an ocean surveillance vessel with the U.S. Navy. Entering service in November 1984, Vindicator was the third vessel in the Stalwart class of ships – USNS Stalwart (T-AGOS-1) and Contender (T-AGOS-2) entered service with the Navy in April and June of 1984, respectively. The first 12 vessels in the 18-strong Stalwart class were built by the Tacoma Building Company based out of Tacoma, Washington state. T-AGOS-13 through T-AGOS-18 were subsequently built by Halter Marine Services in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The original purpose of the early Stalwart class vessels, which were all placed in non-commissioned service with Military Sealift Command, was to monitor the movement of Soviet submarines during the Cold War. Vindicator, along with other Stalwart class vessels, used the Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System (SURTASS) to collect acoustic data in search of Soviet submarines beneath the ocean’s surface. According to the Navy, SURTASS provides “long range detection [of submarines] and cueing for tactical weapons platforms or other vessels of interest.”




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