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Försvarsmakten: Uppgifter i media om saknad ubåt/Media news about miss

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- Försvarsmakten kan varken bekräfta eller förneka uppgifter och spekulationer i media som publicerats på lördagskvällen om en saknad utländsk ubåt, säger Försvarsmaktens informationsdirektör Erik Lagersten.

- Det pågår nu en underrättelseoperation i Stockholms skärgård med såväl optisk spaning som fartyg med kvalificerade spaningssensorer. Syftet med denna operation är att Försvarsmakten ska kunna konstatera om det pågår eller har pågått främmande undervattensverksamhet i området. Av operativa skäl kan Försvarsmakten inte kommentera uppgifter kring en pågående operation.

Translated into english

The Swedish Armed Forces are not in a position to deny or verify media news or speculations recently published about a missing foreign submarine, according to the Spokesman, Director Communication and Public Affairs of the Swedish Armed Forces, Mr Erik Lagersten.


- At the moment we are conducting an intelligence operation in the archipelago of Stockholm with optical reconnaissance as well as with naval vessels equipped with qualified underwater sensors. The units activated are from all branches of the Swedish Armed Forces, the Navy, the Army and the Air Force. The operation is conducted in order for the Armed Forces to establish if there are or has been foreign underwater activities in the area. Due to operational reasons the Swedish Armed Forces are prevented to disclose any details surrounding the operation.


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