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Krevadpatroner 6 & 7


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Hi to all!


Sorry for writing english, but I'm not swedish. "Just" an ammunition collector and researcher from Germany.

I'm glad of finding this forum and hope that some of my sporadic questions about swedish ammunition can be answered.

Enough of introduction.


Can somebody explain me the differences between krevadpatron 6 and 7?


What is their exactly purpose?


Do they have different "touchable markings" at their top end caps?


It would be great if somebody can show pictures with the markings and differences of this cartridges.

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The Krevadpatron 6 and 7 is used in a flare-gun, and is used mostly during exercise to replicate artillery or other types of explotions.


I'm not sure about the markings, but it would make sense because there is Flare-cartridges that are similar in size. Since flares are mostly used in darkness, it makes it alot less prone to fire off a Krevadpatron by misstake and risk hearing damage.

Edited by Reed
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Thank you for the explanation. That's exactly what I thought about their use.


I am still looking for reference images of the two cartridges. On the Internet I have unfortunately found nothing.


And in my AmKat 2001, only krevadptr 6 is included.


All pictures, manuals or additional informations are very welcome.

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