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A Cry From The Grave - Muslim Genocide In Bosnia

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Hittade följande dokumentär på Youtube. Den är producerad av BBC och mycket välgjord. Den innehåller massvis med bilder från kriget, och jag vill varna känsliga tittare för mycket obehagliga bilder!


Av tekniska skäl är dokumentären uppdelad i 10-minutersklipp. Här får ni länken till del 1. För de andra delarna, klicka på länkarna till höger.


A Cry from the Grave" investigates the massacre in July 1995 of over 7 000 Muslims in Srebrenica, Bosnia. The films tells the story of a brutal 72 hours in the life and death of the Muslim refugees in the town, which had been declared a United Nations safe area, under the protection of Dutch U.N. peacekeapers.


They were taken by the Bosnian Serbs, executed in the fields, schools and warehouses in the area and buried in mass graves. Srebrenica is the Guernica of our time, and a story of the humanitarian wars being waged by the UN and NATO throughout the world. It was the worlds first "United Nations safe haven", a town the international community pledged to protect, then utterly failed to do so. The resulting massacre has been called a crime against humanity, even genocide.


The fundamental theme of A Cry from the Grave" is how, at the end of the 20th century, we deal with a such a bloody crisis at the heart of Europe. Is a judicial resolution possible for such a war crime, and what can international justice offer the victims of the massacre?

Edited by Magnus
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