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Man blir ju imatad massa bra information under GSU:n, som t.ex. färgmärkning av (svensk) am. T.ex.

Gul = "skarp",

Blå = "övning",

Grön = "Blind" m.m..  


Men.. tittar man på utländsk am, så betyder färgerna annat.

Tex. att röd = spårljus (tydligen ska det vara röd spårljus till svensk 5.56?) Vilket ju blir lite galet om man misstar sig lite. Även om man väl ser skillnad på en lös och en skarp 5.56 så kan det ju finnas andra roligheter som blir riktigt galet.


Så. Fråga: Finns det någon t.ex. NATO-standard för färgmärkning av am? Och hur ser den ut?

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Detta hitta jag om 5,56mm:

"Description: There are currently five 5.56mm cartridges in service.


M193 NATO 5.56mm ball cartridge: Introduced in 1964, the M193 was the original 5.56mm cartridge designed for use in the M-16 rifle with a 1 in 12 rifled barrel twist. No longer in production, but still in stock, it has been replaced by the heavier M855 cartridge. The M193 can be identified by its unpainted (copper) tip.      


M855 NATO 5.56mm ball cartridge: Introduced as a replacement for the M193 cartridge, the M855 fires a heavier projectile with greater accuracy. While the cartridge was designed to be fired from the newer heavy barreled M-16A2 assault rifle and M-4 carbine (each of which has a 1 in 7 twist barrel) it may be fired out of older M-16 models without severe degradation of accuracy. The M855 can be identified by its green painted tip.  


M856 NATO 5.56mm ball/tracer cartridge: Introduced with the M855, the M856 is the tracer variant of the M855. It is, in all respects, identical to the M855. The M856 can be identified by its orange painted tip.  


M200 NATO 5.56mm blank firing cartridge: Designed for use with training simulators, the M200 has no projectile and contains a reduced powder charge. The M200 can be identified by its crimped and sealed cartridge opening in place of a projectile.


M862 5.56mm Short Range Training Ammunition: Designed for indoor use, the M862 is a restricted range alternative to the M193/M855 cartridge. With a maximum range of 250 meters and an effective range of 25 meters, the M862 serves as an excellent low cost substitute for Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM) training. The M862 can be identified by its blue plastic tip."


Och detta om 7,62mm:

"Description: There are currently five 7.62mm cartridges in service.


M80 NATO 7.62mm ball cartridge: The M80 is the standard 7.62mm ball cartridge. The M80 can be identified by its unpainted (copper) tip.


M276 NATO 7.62mm ball/dim tracer cartridge: Designed to be used with night vision devices, the M276 dim tracer is a reduced visibility alternative to the standard, high visibility M62 tracer. The M276 can be identified by its purple painted tip.


M62 NATO 7.62mm ball/tracer cartridge: The M62 is the tracer variant of the M80. It is, in all respects, identical to the M80. The M62 can be identified by its orange painted tip.


M82 NATO 7.62mm blank firing cartridge: Designed for use with training simulators, the M82 has no projectile and contains a reduced powder charge. The M82 can be identified by its crimped and sealed cartridge opening in place of a projectile.


M118 7.62mm long range special ball cartridge: Designed for use in long range sniper applications where a high degree of accuracy is required, the M118 is essentially a civilian match grade bullet adapted for military use. Externally, the M118 is identical to the M80 7.62mm ball ammunition."


Om 12,7mm:

"Description: There are currently eleven .50 caliber cartridges in service.


M2/M33 .50 Caliber ball cartridge: The M2 is the original standard .50 caliber ball cartridge. The M33 is a redesigned, modern version of the M2, and is identical in all respects. The M2/M33 can be identified by its unpainted (copper) tip.


M1/M10/M17 .50 Caliber tracer cartridge: The M1/M10/M17 are tracer variants of the M2/M33 cartridge. They are essentially identical to one another in terms of ballistic performance and function. These M1 has a red painted tip, the M10 has a orange tip, and the M17 has a brown tip.


M1 .50 Caliber incendiary cartridge: The M1 incendiary cartridge is an incendiary cartridge primarily intended for use against aircraft and material. The M1 can be identified by its blue tip.


M23 .50 Caliber incendiary cartridge: The M23 incendiary cartridge is similar to the M1 incendiary cartridge and is used in the same capacity as the M1. The M23 cartridge has a blue tip with a light blue ring below it.


M2 .50 Caliber armor piercing cartridge: The M2 armor piercing cartridge was designed for use against soft skinned and lightly armored vehicles as well as for use against enemy built up defensive positions. It has no incendiary component. The M2 can be identified by its black tip.


M8 .50 Caliber armor piercing / incendiary cartridge: The M8 armor piercing / incendiary cartridge was designed for use against soft skinned and lightly armored vehicles as well as material destruction. It has an incendiary component. The M8 can be identified by its silver (aluminum) tip.


M20 .50 Caliber armor piercing / incendiary tracer cartridge: The M20 armor piercing / incendiary tracer cartridge is the tracer variant of the M8 API cartridge. The M20 can be identified by its red tip with a silver (aluminum) ring below that.


M1A1 .50 Caliber blank firing cartridge: Designed for use with training simulators, the M1A1 has no projectile and contains a reduced powder charge. The M1A1 can be identified by its crimped and sealed cartridge opening in place of a projectile."


Mycket text :D


Källa: www.military.com

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Trodde Usa Hade träplugg, med tanke på att jag sett lösskjutningsanordningar till m16+ i filmen tigerland skadar en den andre genom att ta av lösskjutningsanordning och skjuta bredvid honom så han får flis i öga+ansikte...

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  • BlåGul -1

Filmer brukar inte vara ett särskilt bra ställe att inhämta korrekt information om vapen och deras funktion på. :D


Jag har inte sett Tigerland, men lösplugg, även utan träpluggen kan vara livsfarliga på korta avstånd pga gastrycket.


Ett exempel är skådisen Jon-Erik Hexum, som dog 1984 under inspelningen av spionserien "Cover Up". Han avlossade ett löst skott mot sitt huvud och det orsakade sådana skador att han dog ett par dagar senare. I rätt många filmer (Pulp Fiction tex) finns scener där man bara lagt på ljud i efterhand, förmodligen pga att avstånden varit för korta för att medge säker användning av lösa skott.

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