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Stealth Plasma on Su-32

Fk Bodin

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Stealth Plasma on Su-32

Russia is believed to be continuing its pioneering work on the development of a plasma cloud generator to provide active stealth protection for combat aircraft. Details are sparse but the Keldysh Research Institute, under then leadership of Anatoly Korotoyev, is known to have developed a plasma generator weighing around 220lb (100kg), suitable for installation on a tactical fighter aircraft. This has been tested on models and on real aircraft, with the Su-32/34 strike fighter believed to be the first combat aircraft to incorporate the system in its airframe. In essence, the system requires an energy source on the aircraft to energise the surrounding air, most probably at the leading edges of the aerodynamic surfaces, causing ionised air in the boundary layer to flow around the airframe, shrouding it in an impenetrable radar screening cloud. Unfortunately, the power requirement for the generator is high and the system would probably only be activated when an enemy radar is detected. The presence of the 'cloud' around the aircraft would also block transmissions from the aircraft being protected, but it is possible that appropriate gaps in the 'cloud' could also be created to overcome this. The high power generation requirement and additional weight of the system is probably easier handled by the Su-32 than by smaller fighters, such as the MiG-29.


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Guest Lt. payne
hmm. det där var jävligt intressant. men det verkar avancerat. Undrar hur mycket USA vill åt det där.

Det blir väl som filmen "Firefox" antar jag,jänkarna försöker väl sno den. ;)

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riktigt intressant det där :thumbs: men vi lär väl inte få se plan med denna tekniken på ett bra tag tror jag... som sagt minst 15år och då har väl nån liten sate kommit på en radar som ser igenom det där skyddet...

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Det är väl som med "Rail-gun"... Det blir så stort och tar så mycket energi att det inte går implementera...än


Såg föresten Sum of all fears idag... jävligt bra film.. synd bara att dom tagit bort 90% av boken... men det kanske va bra om man inte vill sitta på bion i 24 timmar..:)




PS: Finns det någon som administrerar kontona på den här message boarden...?

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